Friday, May 21, 2010

upcoming events

I'm having a lovely day off. Apparently some of the volunteers are here for Steve's birthday; I'll join them eventually, at least for a little while. Or they're coming here to pre-game it before they go out for the serious drinking? Our trademark poor communication has been more in effect than usual for this weekend.

I won't be drinking much or at all, regardless, since I have a little bit of the sick going on, and I don't need more. The post-nasal drip makes my voice croaky, especially after a night of breathing chilled air. Sufficient sleep is the order of the weekend.

You may remember my story about teacher strikes. Well, last week, I walked into the teachers' lounge during a class period to discover that most of the teachers were there, having what turned out to be a union meeting. All I could catch was that they were going to send a letter with a demand to someone about something, and that everywhere except Valparaíso had or hadn't already sent the same demand, and had or hadn't been turned down.

(Good thing I didn't care that much, eh?)

At lunch today, Oscar told us how the students take over the building every year for a few days and blockade the classrooms and everything, and that they would do it again this year. They do it to protest something, but the conversation moved on before I could ask why. He also said there would definitely be another teachers' strike this year, which is ominous since last year it lasted a couple of months.

I have no idea what I'd do for two months without having to work. But, distinct possibility.

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