Now she's gone again, and I have to knit my own sweaters and make my own sandwiches, which is sad. Luckily, I'm coming home in 6 weeks. Six weeks! Not even 2 months. Crazytown. Here's the tentative schedule:
- End of classes: November 19th. Possibly the 22nd, but I'll try to avoid that.
- WorldTeach End-of-Service thing: November 25th.
- English Opens Doors/Ministry of Education End-of-Service thing: November 27th.
- South to Chiloe and wherever else: November 28th - December 11th.
- Santiago: December 11-12.
- Fly out of Santiago: December 13.
- Land in San Francisco: December 14.
Then you'll get to read about culture shock again, but in reverse.
I'm also sick, which is lame, but not so bad, since I'm sort of mentally exhausted and not feeling an urge to teach that would make me push through the nose-blowing and coughing and repeatedly falling asleep.
41 days until I'm home.
I'm flying out on the 10th, but a group of us girls are heading down to Chiloe first as well. Some of them want to go to Punta Arenas, but I'd rather enjoy Chiloe and Valdivia. There may not be time for Punta Arenas too.